Monday, October 5, 2020


Terlintas begitu nyata didepan mata kita,
Kita selalu bicara persatuan, tapi kita mempermasalahkan keragaman,Kita bicara keragaman,tapi kita maksakan persatuan…..hahahahaha  Betul itulah dinamika hidup dalam sebuah Negara demokkrasi yang nilai2 kemasusiaan menjadi Nomor dua(2), dan para veteran pejuang kemerdekaan negeri tercinta (Rai Doben timor Leste) dihina dan dicaci maki oleh musuh2 75(setenta e cinco)yang sekarang tumbuh subur dinegeri tercinta (Rai Doben timor Leste) ,dan saya betanya, kemanakah saudara-saudar geração patriota,?  jagan tidur sebelum ngantuk,dan jangan tuli sebelun tertutup oleh tanah aluta continua.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Kondis Masjid AlIkhlas 1995/2013 dan 2019

the condition of Al Ikhlas Mosque Macadique, Uatolar Viqueque 1995.

the condition of Al Ikhlas Mosque Macadique, Uatolar Viqueque 2013/2019
we feel to be an almighty choice, if we Da'kwah in the interior which is very difficult in everything, but the difficulties we face, we leave everything to God, then when we are in the field, confronted  and insults, we we always smile  and our little hearts say, Alhamdulillah this is the beginning of our success, Allah akbar

story 1995

the condition of Nurul Huda Mosque Uatolari Mosque, Matahoi, 1995. Belia
the condition of Nurul Huda Mosque, Uatolari, Matahoi, 1995. Belia 2018

condisi Al Amal Baucau 1999

kondisi gedung sekolah Al Amal Baucau  1999

murid sekolah dasar Al Amal Baucau saat 1999 period pertama hanya 18 orang.

Friday, May 8, 2020

fake world of charm

By: Imam Muslim

Beware of this world which is rich in various kinds of deception and always enchanting, it has decorated itself with its jewels, deceived with its deceit, persuaded many people with empty hopes. He has decorated himself to meet the people who ask for his hand, so he is like a bride who has his eyes turned. While all the eyes of the people looked at him, their hearts were attracted and wanted to him, even though he had killed all those who had been her husband; but unfortunately, the current generation is reluctant to take the experience of past generations, the current generation can not be prevented by the influence of the world that has deceived the first generation, as well as smart people do not take advantage of all these experiences. So the conclusion of this man to the world is divided into two: first, people who seek the world, and can get it, then deceived, and second, forgetting not to provide supplies from him for the journey to the hereafter, finally he did not stay long in the world until he had what he had apart from his hands and feet slipping.

Masjid Al Amal Baucau menjadi saksi bisu reperendum 99

masjid Al Amal baucau menjadi saksi bisu perjuangan 99.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Wahn, a dangerous disease for Muslims at the end of time.

Wahn, a dangerous disease for Muslims at the end of time. From Tsauban, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said," Nearly the people (infidels) surround you from various directions, as they gather to face food in the meal ". Someone asked, "O Messenger of Allah, were we at that moment a little?" The Messenger of Allah said, "Even you at that time were many. But, you are like foam which is washed away by rain. Allah will dispel fear in the hearts of your enemies and will place in your hearts 'Wahan'. Then someone asked, "What is wahan?" The Prophet replied, "Love the world and fear death." (Narrated by Abu Daud and Ahmad)
Warning the Prophet. about the disease of wahan reminds this ummah about the setbacks, and the downturn of Muslims. Around the world.
History records, the fall after fall of Islamic caliphate, besides Khulafaur Rasyidin, is always closely related to wahan. Starting from Umayyah, Abasiyah, and Ottoman which collapsed in the early 20th century; wahan become the main cause.
The caliphate was toppled not because of an enemy attack through armed conflict, but because of a shift in orientation, from upholding Dinul Islam to worldly satisfaction.
Now, Muslims are fragmented into small pieces which are not related to each other. And those little fragments did not make Muslims aware and rise, but were trapped in the game of the little king fighting over a small piece of cake.
This condition makes Muslims an easy target for their enemies as cash cows. They were colonized, fooled, and trapped in conflicts between Muslims themselves.
Wahan as an End Times Disease
Wahan as conveyed by the Prophet. includes two mental illnesses that are interrelated with one another. Namely, love the world and fear death. Mental lover of the world is certainly afraid of death, and vice versa.
In the time of the Prophet. and friends, this disease is equally unknown. No wonder they asked up to the Prophet twice. about the state of the people affected by wahan.
The love of the world is not at all a feature of the Companions of the Apostles competing in charity and alms Likewise with fear of death. The Companions actually scrambled to be at the forefront in all fields of jihad with the Messenger of Allah.
Not surprisingly, if only within a few years after the rule of Islam in Medina, in the time of the Caliph Umar bin Khaththab, the Persian Empire fell into the hands of the Muslims. And a few years later, following Rome who surrendered to the rule of Muslims.
The love of the world that descends upon the mentality of the people today shows that Muslims are so shallow in their vision of struggle. Nothing more than material. People now say the term constitution, or money in the end.
Greed infecting Muslim rulers. People who are greedy are almost certainly stingy. Because assets that are beyond his reach are so pursued, especially with those he already holds.
This greedy-minded person would want to enjoy the world he has as much as possible. He did not want to let go, let alone leave the pleasure. This is what makes them so afraid of death.
In fact, with avoidance or safeguards in any way, death will still pursue all humans, including them.
For the enemies of Islam, this disease of wickedness in Muslims makes them more easily managed and deceived. Like a child who is willing to exchange high-priced goods for goods that have no price for the satisfaction of his heart.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

this is a 1998-1999 Islamic fighter based in Baucau, led by Ibrahim Alito Fitun and Paul Abidin Hariyanto

idul ftri prtama

foto doa Idul Fitri awal kebebasan Timor leste pada tahun 1999 di Masjid Al Amal Bauca