Tuesday, October 8, 2019

human forgiveness

By Imam Muslim

I hope and pry that we are to be considered among these good people, insha Allah. I hope that every one of us will take the initiative to forgive one another. Please don’t jealousy and don’t envy one another. Don’t talk against one another. Don’t disdain or defame one another. Don’t accuse one another. Please try to keep your friendly and brotherly relation with one another. You are Muslims first, last and forever. You are to help and safeguard one another. You are to protect and to defend one another. You are to forgive one another for the mistakes committed by any one of you. If you want Allah to forgive you for your mistakes, sins and wrong doings, then remember that your fellow people do expect your forgiveness. they don’t want to be reminded of their mistakes and shortcomings. They wish to be reminded of their good deeds and their achievements.
Let us the good thing that others have done and achieved. Let us remember the mistakes of other, otherwise. The other. Group of people will remember our mistake, our sins and our mischiefs. Please dear Muslims, each one should be busy with his own mistakes and should try to correct himself. Each one should forgive  each other and each should try to bring peace, harmony, concord and happiness to all. I hope and pray that each one  will play his effective role in achieving such a type of life among the Muslim people. Amien

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Elderly ; By Imam Muslim

By. Imam Muslims

I hope and pray that we Muslims should do our best to respect the elderly and especially our parent. It is a bad habit to send our elderly to senior citizen homes. It is also bad to get rid of our parents and send them to nursing homes. The presence of our parents in our own houses is blessing from Allah swt. Their presence  will bring peace, happiness, concord, tranquility, mercy and reward from Allah. We should try our best to request our parents to stay with us at our own houses so as to receive the blessings of Allah. we should give a good example to the non Muslims to do same with their parents. If we take the initiative and practice this good habit in the Timor Leste society, we will establish a better society where there is no generation gap. there won’t be animosity between the young generation to wards the elderly. Instead, there will be kindness, respect, sympathy, concern, and love to ward one another. We feel sorry for the elderly who are living in nursing homes, that the are not wanted in the society, that the are deserted, and that arson is committed on them to get rid of them. Poor elderly in this society ! many of them are being attacked while walking on the streets, robbed and killed. While sleep in the nursing homes. Still others are strangled for no reason.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Kelompok ( 2) Jama’ah dari Singapore

Kelompok ( 2) Jama’ah dari Singapore
Anggota penyumbang hewan Qurban terdiri atas tujuh ( 7 ) orang.

1.      Kamariah Binte Bakar.
2.      Solikin Bin Hambali.
3.      Soriati Bin Solikin.
4.      Nur Safika Binte Abdullah.
5.      Hartine Binte Solikin.
6.      Mohammad Sowleh Bin Mohammad Koid.
7.      Allahyrham Ismailzal Bin Haji Safiee.
Telah menyumbang 1 ekor Sapi dan 1 ekor Kerbau. Seekor Sapi seharga $. 400  dan Seekor Kerbau $ 400. Jumlah = $ 800.00 

Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia ( YAPEIM )

Kelompok ( 1 ) Jama’ah dari :
Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia ( YaPEIM )
Anggota penyumbang hewan Qurban terdiri atas tujuh ( 7 ) orang.

1.      Rafidah Bini Idris.
2.      Raja Fadzilah Binti Raja Sulaman.
3.      Razif Binti Yusuf.
4.      Rohaya Binti Razali.
5.      Rokiah Binti Wan Chik
6.      Roslinah Binti Akmad
7.      Siti Hamsah Binti Bedullah
Telah menyumbang 1 ekor Kerbau.seharga  = $ 800.00