By: Imam Muslim
Beware of this world
which is rich in various kinds of deception and always enchanting, it has
decorated itself with its jewels, deceived with its deceit, persuaded many
people with empty hopes. He has decorated himself to meet the people who ask
for his hand, so he is like a bride who has his eyes turned. While all the eyes
of the people looked at him, their hearts were attracted and wanted to him,
even though he had killed all those who had been her husband; but
unfortunately, the current generation is reluctant to take the experience of
past generations, the current generation can not be prevented by the influence
of the world that has deceived the first generation, as well as smart people do
not take advantage of all these experiences. So the conclusion of this man to
the world is divided into two: first, people who seek the world, and can get
it, then deceived, and second, forgetting not to provide supplies from him for
the journey to the hereafter, finally he did not stay long in the world until
he had what he had apart from his hands and feet slipping.